Hi, I'm Marius Dragomir, I'm the director of the Media and Journalism Research Center, an international think tank focused on the study of media, journalism, politics and technology. I am also a professor at Central European University (CEU) in Vienna where I teach journalism and research design courses as well as practical classes on advocacy and policy engagement. Before, I was the director of the Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS). Prior to that, I managed the global research and policy portfolio of the Program on Independent Journalism (PIJ), formerly the Network Media Program (NMP), of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) in London.
Since 2004, I have been working in media research, designing and leading regional and global comparative research projects. I was a lead editor for Mapping Digital Media, a research and advocacy project that covered 56 countries worldwide, and the main writer and editor of OSF’s Television Across Europe, a comparative study of broadcast policies in 20 European countries.
I am now running a dozen of research projects, the most relevant being Media Influence Matrix, a global research project looking into power relations and undue influence in news media that now covers almost 60 countries, Global Ownership Project, a database of all prominent media companies in the world with a focus on their ownership and sources of funding, and State Media Monitor, a project monitoring the key developments in state media in over 155 countries.
I have spent the past 20 years in the media research field, specializing in media and communication regulation, digital media, governing structures of public service media and broadcasting, journalism business models and ownership regulation.
I also have a journalism career, going back to 1991 when I started to work as a journalist in my native Romania. By the year 2000, I worked for several news media in Romania, including newspapers, radio channels and television station. After that, I mostly published in English-language media.
In 2015, I founded Media Power Monitor, a community of writers from all over the world covering business, politics and journalism.
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