Since 1991, I have published investigative journalistic articles and reports as well as op-eds and commentaries. Here is a selection of some of the latest articles, mostly covering trends in media and journalism.
Marius Dragomir: Węgierskie media lojalne Rosji i Orbánowi
Двойната игра на Орбан за войната в Украйна
El difícil equilibrio de Orbán entre Putin y la UE
Opinie: Voor Orbán is de oorlog in Oekraïne een uitdagende balanceeract
Orban is trying a daunting balancing act over the Ukraine war
Orbanova dvojna igra
Orbáns doppeltes Spiel
Komentář: Putinův spojenec Orbán navenek invazi odsoudil, skrytě šíří propagandu Kremlu
Kremlfreundliche Propaganda in Ungarn
Viktor Orbáns lojala medier pumpar prorysk propaganda
Șoc în mass-media lui Viktor Orban! Televiziunile nu cenzurează propaganda pro-Kremlin: „Cultura ucraineană nu există”
Orbán chce obslúžiť všetkých, aj Kremeľ
De oorlog in Oekraïne zet Victor Orbán aan tot een dubbelspel
El plan de Orbán para aumentar su influencia fuera de Hungría
Orbáns medieimperium bør udløse bekymring hos dem i Europa, der værdsætter uafhængige og frie medier
Opasno širenje medijskog carstva Viktora Orbana izvan mađarskih granica
La epidemia silenciosa que golpea a la libertad de expresión
The media-capture epidemic
La epidemia de captura de medios
The media-capture epidemic
The Media-Capture Epidemic
The Media-Capture Epidemic
What Happens When Academia and Media Work Together
Public Broadcasting Services Can Deliver Democratic Values. Few Do.
Bolivian Media: Rising From the Ashes
Central and Eastern Europe’s Captured Media
How to Wipe Away Digital History: Buy a Newspaper
Free media are under assault in the heart of Europe
The perils of public media funding
The perils of public media funding
The Same Old Faces
Danish Public Media: Loved by People, Hated by Politicians
Public Broadcasting in Austria: Politicians Clash With Journalists
‘Locked up like animals’ — immigrant detention centers in the time of the coronavirus
Eastern European Media: Survival Year
Politics as usual
Piano lessons for Central Europe’s media
Insight | Why Public Media Will Not Survive Without Real Citizen Participation
How the Hungarian government nationalized criticism
The state of Hungarian media: Endgame
Often talking to journalists interested in my opinions and media expertise. Here are just a few of the articles they wrote.
Hungary is starting to look a bit like Russia. Here's why
Macedonia’s fake news industry sets sights on Europe
How oligarchs captured Central Europe's media
Media freedom takes massive blow in Hungary
Show and Tell: Daily Maverick’s gangster connections cloud their ’truth’
YouTube labels on public broadcasters draw ire in US, Russia
Committee to Protect Journalists
News Media in Bulgaria Struggle for Independence
Can the EU stop its members from sliding toward authoritarianism?
It happened there: how democracy died in Hungary
Government and corporations hinder journalists with ‘media capture’
La dernière radio indépendante hongroise perd sa fréquence
The dawn of cyber politicians